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Director’s Remarks

‘오래된 새로움의 가치’를 가지고 ‘정상을 향해 새롭게 도전’하며 ‘성장’하는 대학 창의적인 스마트 혁신을 선도

I’m Professor Munpyo Hong, the Director of the Knowledge Center for Innovative Higher Education at SKKU.

This is indeed a troubling time for the entire world and our society is experiencing a great transformation that’s unprecedented. Artificial intelligence is no longer a distant future technology in films, rather developing radically to the extent that it's soon going to have a big impact on our lives, whether we want it or not. Moreover, COVID-19 has suddenly brought about the beginning of virtual era, and it’s expected to revolutionise the course of higher education and even our way of life.

Nevertheless, our university has been preparing for change of the times. One major example is C-School from our center which proved prominent internal and public achievements; The CIHE has successfully developed various extracurricular programs based on creativity·convergence including social and emotional learning.

Furthermore, we are eager to share our experience with others for the betterment of our country’s tertiary education.

CIHE promises that we will continue striving for innovation and integrity. To achieve this, well-grounded teachings should be provided for each field of study. Artificial intelligence technique combined with solid professional knowledge could potentially produce a brand new discipline/specialty.

By then, our students will be fully equipped to lead a fulfilling life as a highly competent member in this fast-paced society.

Munpyo Hong
Director of the Knowledge Center for Innovative Higher Education Sungkyunkwan University